I am getting excited about the web viewer project again. I think probably the some of the first things I will work on are getting the surfboards and sailboats working.. and have REAL waves that can push you around. This example is actually pretty effortless for the GPU to animate. There can be large waves that are generated by the world, that you surf on. Then secondary waves and ripples made by you and your surfboard. How fricken cool will that be!?! - Default - 36hy.landry · Page 4

Wave example

Wave example

2 years
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I am getting excited about the web viewer project again. I think probably the some of the first things I will work on are getting the surfboards and sailboats working.. and have REAL waves that can push you around. This example is actually pretty effortless for the GPU to animate. There can be large waves that are generated by the world, that you surf on. Then secondary waves and ripples made by you and your surfboard. How fricken cool will that be!?!


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